Friday, November 18, 2011


This is a tough recipe... when I made it, I was remembering Campbell's Noodles and Ground Beef.. and wanted to make something similar, as Wendell always loved that.  I can't eat it because of my beef intolerence, but wanted to make something other than chicken soup which he really doesn't care for.. though every time he eats it, he says how good and savory it it.  :)
So here goes...
I dumped about 2 gallons of spring water into a huge pot and brought it to a boil.
Add about 2# of good low fat ground beef
Stir it up breaking all the little bits of beef into tiny particles.
Add 2 Mayan sweet onions, chopped coarsly
Add 8 large carrots, also chopped coarsly
Add 6 large stalks of celery, chopped coarsly
I added 1 packet of onion soup mix to all of this.
Then add about a quart or more of stewed tomatoes- I used my own home canned
Add a large can of any brand vegetable soup
Keep this simmering for several hours..
I added some shredded cabbage- about 2 cups.
Taste it.. needs some black pepper from my pepper grinder.. to taste

I serve the first bowl to Wendell for his opinion.. if he gives me 'thumbs up', I proceed to the next step, which is canning the batch.
I use 8 oz canning jars
One large scoop of meaty mixture and fill the rest up with broth
Wipe the top of the jar, apply the seal and pop them into the pressure canner.
60 minutes @ 10# pressure.
Each jar is a single serving of soup and he counts 2 proteins/1 vegetable on his ADA diet. 
I'm amazed that when the jars cool, there is nearly NO fat accumulated in the jars. 

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