Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Canned Sausage

I'm assuming that we'll be using ground sausage. This is real easy to home can. But you will need to use a pressure canner for safety and good results. Simply make your patties a little oversized, as they will shrink. Then lightly brown them in a frying pan until they start to shrink. Then pack them in a stack in wide mouthed pint canning jars to within 1 inch of the top of the jar. I add water to the fat they were cooked in and add about 3 Tbsp. to each jar. Be sure to wipe the jar rims very clean of grease; it will prevent the jars from sealing. Then place a hot, previously simmered lid on the jar and screw down the band firmly tight. Process in a pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure (unless you live at an altitude over 1,000 feet and must adjust your pressure to suit your altitude, if necessary; consult your canning manual for directions) for 15 minutes for pints and 90 minutes for quarts.

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